10DLC Special Use Cases

10DLC Special Use Cases

What is a 10DLC Campaign?

10DLC (10 Digit Long Code) is an authorized standard for A2P (Application-to-Person) text messaging that allows users to send SMS messages using their 10-digit phone number. In comparison to existing long code messaging, 10DLC facilitates throughput levels suitable for SMS campaigns. 

During the creation of a SMS Campaign with Primecall, you will have to identify the campaign type for the number you are registering. Selecting a campaign type is essential to determine how the number will be used and how often it will be used.

Common Types of Special Campaigns

  • Carrier Exemptions - Exemption by Carrier
  • Charity - Communications from a registered charity aimed at providing help and raising money for those in need.

    NOTE: The charity campaign type can only be used by a registered 5013C Charity.

  • Proxy- Peer-to-peer app-based group messaging with proxy/pooled numbers. 

    ✔ This campaign type supports personalized services and non-exposure of personal numbers for enterprise or A2P communications. 

  • Emergency - Notification services designed to support public safety / health during natural disasters, armed conflicts, pandemics and other national or regional emergencies. 
  • K-12 Education - Campaigns created for messaging platforms that support schools from grades K - 12, and distance learning centers. 

    NOTE: This campaign type is not for post-Secondary schools. This use case requires MNO approval.

  • Sweepstakes - All sweepstakes messaging. 
  • Political - Part of organized effort to influence decision making of specific group. 

    Note: This campaign type is only available to registered 501(c)(3/4/5/6) and 527 Orgs.

  • Social - Communication between public figures/influencers and their communities. 

    ✔ The social campaign type is commonly used for alerts/messages by Celebrities and YouTube Influencers.

  • Platform Free Trial - CSP “Free Trial” Offers for non paying customers, requires separate contract. 
  • Agents; franchise; local branches - Brands that have multiple agents, franchises or offices in the same brand vertical, but require individual localized numbers per agent/location/office. 
  • Sole Proprietor - Limited to entities without a EIN / Tax ID, requires separate contract. 
  • UCaaS (Low Volume) - UCaaS companies provide cloud delivered communication services for businesses. Each number assigned to a UCaaS campaign is typically assigned to a different employee of that business and the use cases are varied.

    WARNING: This use case is not for any API/automated driven communication. This use case is only available to approved UCaaS businesses. 

    This use case has the same volume restrictions as the Low Volume Mixed campaign type. 

  • UCaaS (High Volume) - UCaaS companies provide cloud delivered communication services for businesses. Each number assigned to a UCaaS campaign is typically assigned to a different employee of that business and the use cases are varied. 

    WARNING: This use case is not for any API/automated driven communication. This use case is only available to approved UCaaS businesses.

    This is for UCaaS campaigns that require higher volume. 

Charity - All 501(c)(3) Orgs


Brand has to be a registered Tax-Exempt Organization with a 501(c)(3) status.

TCR supports registered Charities that want to take advantage of MNO specific terms for their messaging. The option to register a Brand as a Non-Profit Organization is open for all Brands but only those organizations that hold a 501(c)(3) status will benefit from the special terms.

Brand Registration

The Brand should be registered as a “Non-Profit” entity type.

Campaign Registration

Only the “Charity” and “Emergency” Use Cases are available. Under the “Charity” Use Case, a minimum of 1 and maximum of 5 Use Cases should be declared.

How do I know if a Charity has been identified as a 501(c)(3)? 

  • All recognized 501(c)(3) Brands will have only the “Charity” and “Emergency” Use Cases available. The Tax-Exempt status will be displayed on the Brand Details page after Brand Registration.

Can I choose only the “Charity” and “Emergency” Use Cases if my Brand is a 501(c)(3) Org?

  • If a Brand is a recognized 501(c)(3) Org you should select “Charity” or “Emergency” as a Use Case to take advantage of beneficial MNO terms. 
  • You may subsequently select any Standard Use Case as a “Sub Use Case” to better identify the scope of the messaging.



Brand has to be a registered Tax-Exempt Organization with a 501(c)(3/4/5/6) status or obtain a political vet through Campaign Verify or Aegis Mobile.

Brand Registration

The Brand should be registered as a “Non Profit” entity type.

501(c)(3/4/5/6) Orgs

  • All 501 (c)(3/4/5/6) Orgs are automatically identified by TCR and have the following Use Cases immediately available:
    • All Standard Use Cases
    • Political Use Case

All Other Orgs

  • Orgs that are not automatically identified will have the option to import a Campaign Verify token or apply for Political Vetting through Aegis Mobile . All Orgs that import a CV token will have only the “Political” Use Case available.
special cases10dlc10dlc campaign types10dlc special campaignssms campaiignsspecial sms campaignssms campaign registrationsms campaign creationtypes of sms campaignspolitical sms campaign requirementscharity sms campaign requirements
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