10DLC Standard Campaign Types

10DLC Standard Campaign Types

What is a 10DLC Campaign?

10DLC (10 Digit Long Code) is an authorized standard for A2P (Application-to-Person) text messaging that allows users to send SMS messages using their 10-digit phone number. In comparison to existing long code messaging, 10DLC facilitates throughput levels suitable for SMS campaigns. 

During the creation of a SMS Campaign with Primecall, you will have to identify the campaign type for the number you are registering. Selecting a campaign type is essential to determine how the number will be used and how often it will be used.

Common Types of Standard Campaigns

  • 2FA - Any two-factor authentication (verification or one-time passcode).
  • Account Notifications - Standard notifications for account holders relating to a user’s account.
  • Customer Care - All customer care interactions, including but not limited to account management and customer support.
  • Delivery Notifications - Notification about the status of the delivery of a product or service.
  • Fraud Alert Messaging - Notifications regarding potential fraudulent activity on a user’s account.
  • Higher Education - Messaging created on behalf of Colleges or Universities, including School Districts and education institutions. 

    NOTE: This use case is NOT for the “free to the consumer” messaging model.

  • Low Volume Mixed - For Brands that have multiple use cases and only need very low messaging throughput. 

    ✔ This campaign type is commonly used for test/demo accounts and small businesses (single doctor's office, a single restaurant, etc.)

  • Machine to Machine - Machine to Machine (M2M) is a process that implies wireless communication between two or more physical assets. There is no human interaction in the Machine to Machine Campaign. This is a dedicated Use Case.

    WARNING: Subscriber-facing campaigns are prohibited when utilizing Machine to Machine for a SMS number. 

  • Marketing - Any communication that includes marketing and/or promotional content.
  • Mixed - Any messaging campaign containing 2 to 5 standard uses cases 
  • Polling and Voting - The sending of surveys and polling/voting campaigns for non-political arenas.
  • Public Service Announcement - Informational messaging to raise an audience’s awareness about important issues
  • Security Alert - A notification that the security of a system, either software or hardware, has been compromised in some way and there is an action you need to take.
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