This Call Center role provides the monitoring tools and reporting capabilities needed to manage a typical call center operation. The focus of this capability is found in the PBX portal when logged in using the Call Center Supervisor role. The Call Center Supervisor Home page displays statistics and reports related to the call queues that a supervisor manages.
L O G I N with your phone system Username & Password Credentials
Note: For assistance, please dial 611
H o m e S c re e n
From the home screen, access all of the call center features.
The Stats Grid summarizes the most important metrics in a simple and concise format.
A b b re v i a t i o n
To edit the Stats Grid, click on the Settings button located right above the Stats Grid panel.
Configure Lower and Upper Thresholds for the statistics that you wish to be displayed in the Stats Grid.
Under the General tab, you can configure the Service Level Agreement.
This Service Level Agreement allows you to track whether a call was answered in an acceptable amount of time
(secs). This is used in calculating the Service Level Percentage statistic.
Lastly, the Filter Stats Grid by Queue dropdown bar allows users to only show the Stats Grid for one specific call
C a l l C e n t e r R e p o r t s
Reports will give a graphical overview of certain statistics of your call center over a given period of time. These reports can be about the call center as a whole, queues, or individual agents.
Click on the Reports tab.
Select a date range and type of report that you wish to generate.
Note: If you see a number or statistic that is hyperlinked, click the statistic number to view all the
information used to calculate the statistic selected.
Click on a hyperlinked statistic to print, download or view additional information within the options.
The queue statistics allow supervisors to view specific attributes on a queue-by-queue basis.
Each queue has various parameters, including volume, calls handled, average talk time, average wait time, abandoned calls, and many more.
Table Settings Definition:
A g e n t S t a t i s t i c s
The agent statistics page will display a variety of agent aspects compared with other agents over time. Simply, select the Agent Stats and the Type of Queue.
Click the checkboxes in the 1st column for Agent statistics to graph them individually or check all boxes to graph
them by color in comparison to one another.
A g e n t Av a i l a b i l i t y
Generate a graphic report of the availability of agents with specific values found in the Table Settings.
Once configured and when agents have been signing in and out, a supervisor can see an agent's availability
Table Settings Definition:
D i a l e d N u m b e r S t a t i s t i c s
Generate graphs based on the Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS). DNIS is a service that identifies the
number that the caller dialed. It is a common feature for companies with multiple business numbers or locations.
You can click the checkboxes in the 1st column for DNIS statistics to graph them individually or graph them all
Table Settings Definition:
A b a n d o n e d C a l l s
Generate call center graphs for abandoned calls by queue or all queues.