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PrimecallFAX - FAQ
What is the pricing for PrimecallFAX Pricing will be $20 per month per DID (phone number) 250 pages per calendar month will be included for both inbound and outbound, 4 cents per additional page The customer can use Fax Through Email, adapter, and ...
Manage PrimecallFAX Accounts
Scope: PrimecallFAX accounts can be managed by Office Managers and PrimeCall Technical Support. If a PrimecallFAX number is assigned to a specific user, then that user will be able to manage certain aspects of the faxes that are only sent to them. ...
Manage PrimecallFAX Accounts
Scope: PrimecallFAX accounts can be managed by Office Managers and Primecall Technical Support. If a PrimecallFAX number is assigned to a specific user, then that user will be able to manage certain aspects of the faxes that are only sent to them. ...
PrimecallFAX - User Guide - Portal Faxing
There are 3 potential ways a Primecall user would be able to fax. Portal Faxing - Inbound and Outbound faxing that is done through the Primecall Web Portal Fax to Email (email to fax) Fax Machine - this method utilizes an ATA adapter to allow a ...
Send a Fax Through Email with PrimecallFAX
Scope: To utilize PrimecallFAX services, PrimecallFAX must be activated on your account. Please reach out to a member of our Technical Support Team to enable this by calling 844.59PRIME (844.597-7463) or emailing Send a Fax via ...