Queues vs. Hunt Groups

Queues vs. Hunt Groups

What is a Queue and a Hunt Group?


Calls waiting in a queue ring destinations one at a time. If a destination is not able to answer a call, the call will move on to the destination with the next highest priority. 

Hunt Groups

All destinations within a level will ring together when a call is placed to the hunt group. Once a destination answers the call, the other destinations will stop ringing. When none of the destinations in a level answer, the destinations will stop ringing as the call is passed along to the next level.

What is the Difference?

QueuesHunt Groups
  • Destinations are sorted by Priority.
  • Destinations ring one at a time. When one destination does not answer, the call moves on to the destination with the next highest priority.
  • Exit options can be set and configured.
  • Only phone numbers and telephone lines can be set as destinations.
  • Able to play messages and caller's position to callers.
  • Destinations can be set as unavailable after missing a certain number of calls.
  • Wrap-up time can be added for destinations.
  • Call backs can be set up for callers.
  • Holding calls can be viewed and managed.
  • Options to limit callers and hold time.
  • Ability to set destinations with compatible phones to auto-answer.
  • Destinations are sorted into Levels.
  • All destinations in a level ring together until one destination answers. If one level does not answer, the call moves on to the next level.
  • A Default Destination can be set for unanswered calls.
  • Phone numbers, telephone lines, and SIP URIs can be set as destinations.
  • Destinations can be individually set to screen calls.
  • Destinations cannot be set to auto-answer calls. (Phones that have auto-answer active in their settings will be able to auto-answer)
  • Levels can be individually set to ring at different intervals.
  • Levels can be individually set to either ring or play music on hold for callers waiting.
  • An announcement message can be set for levels.
  • A set of numbers can be appended to a caller's caller ID for calls going to certain destinations.
queueshunt groupsdifference between queues and hunt groupsqueues vs hunt groupsenswitches
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