Text-to-Speech can be utilized almost anywhere on the Primecall Web Portal where a user can have the system call the user to record or upload their own recording.
When editing the audio in Primecall there is an option for Text-to-Speech alongside the Record and Upload options.
Most places in Primecall where audio can be adjusted, there will be a Manage Audio Button that will bring up the audio options when clicked.
For the Auto Attendant Menu Prompt, it will look like this. Clicking on either the pencil Edit Button or the “Click to add a new menu prompt” field will bring up the Manage Audio window.
For Voicemail Greetings it will look like this, however, in each location, the options are essentially the same.
The voice message can be tested in the portal by clicking the Play Button next to the Voice dropdown list.
Don’t forget to press Save when you are finished.
It is possible for words to be spelled correctly but be interpreted by the Text-To-Speech Generator incorrectly, or at least not as intended.
Numbers may need to be formatted to be adjusted for their desired purpose.
For example…
Phone numbers in a known format will be interpreted correctly. 469-429-2500 will be read as each number individually.
But, 4694292500 would be interpreted as the full, actual numerical value.
Another option for number formatting that will announce the numbers at a slower pace is to put dashes in between numbers and periods between number groups like so:
4 - 6 - 9. 4 - 2 - 9. 2 - 5 - 0 - 0
It is best to type out the exact phrasing desired when using time frames.
For example…
9am-5pm will be treated as a hyphenated word and only say “9 a m 5 p m”.
Instead type “9am to 5pm” or “9am until 5pm” to achieve your desired outcome.
All Text-To-Speech fields can be previewed right from the editor. Press the play button after editing your text to preview what the audio will sound like before Saving.
Extra Pauses can be added by using the following syntax:
<break time="3s"/>
This is a sentence.
<break time="3s"/>
More words continued after the pause.
This does not work for all voice types. Please preview your recording to ensure that your voice type works with this syntax.